Écoles à Saint-Lambert : Guide des Établissements Primaires et Secondaires
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  • Pauline Chen
  • Félix Villeneuve


489 000$
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  • Salle de bains

Appartement / Condo


1 174 169$ +tx
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  • Salle d'eau

Maison à étages


1 556 860$ +tx
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Maison à étages


Terrain vacant


1 188 000$
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Maison à étages




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Maison à étages


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Maison à étages


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Maison à étages

Schools in Saint-Lambert: A Complete Guide for Families

Saint-Lambert is renowned for its high-quality educational infrastructure, providing families with easy access to top public and private schools. These schools cater perfectly to the diverse needs of its residents. Here is an overview of the main schools in Saint-Lambert, and why this city is an excellent option for families.

Primary Schools in Saint-Lambert


Map showung the location of the differents schools available to Saint-Lambert's residents

Press to follow the link to the interactive map of schools available to Saint-Lambert's residents


École des Saints-Anges

Located at 126, rue Logan, the École des Saints-Anges offers a rigorous program to local students. It stands out for its innovative projects, such as sending an object into space, emphasizing technological and creative learning.

École Préville

Located at 139, rue d’Alsace, the École Préville serves families living in the Préville area. Known for its inclusive approach and welcoming environment, the school focuses on personal and academic development.

École Rabeau

Located at 830, rue Notre-Dame, the École Rabeau offers a special educational project with an intensive English program. It’s an excellent choice for families seeking bilingual education from the early school years.

Secondary Schools in Saint-Lambert

École secondaire Saint-Edmond

Located at 346, rue Hubert in Greenfield Park, the École secondaire Saint-Edmond specializes in music programs. It attracts students seeking academic and artistic excellence.

Private Schools in Saint-Lambert

Collège Durocher Saint-Lambert

Located at 375 Rue Riverside, the Collège Durocher Saint-Lambert is a prestigious private school offering high-quality education from primary to secondary. Known for its enriched programs and stimulating environment, it’s a popular choice for families.

Académie Marie-Laurier

Located at 1555 Stravinsky in Brossard, the Académie Marie-Laurier is a bilingual private school that emphasizes personalized and rigorous education from kindergarten through Grade 12.


Located at 870 Chemin de Saint-Jean in La Prairie, near Saint-Lambert, the École Jean-de-la-Mennais offers a rigorous academic program focused on personal development and academic excellence.


The schools in Saint-Lambert provide a variety of educational options, from public institutions to private ones. Whatever your choice, your children will benefit from a high-quality education in a nurturing environment.


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Félix Villeneuve and Pauline Chen, YOUR Royal LePage brokers

Work with the real estate specialists in Saint-Lambert !



Chen-Villeneuve | Royal LePage Real Estate Brokers | Saint-Lambert | South Shore

7503 Taschereau Boulevard
Brossard, QC, J4Y 1A2
Phone: (514) 887-9081 or (514) 295-0228
Toll-free: (833) 215-0228

Pauline Chen, Google Profile: Click here!
Félix Villeneuve, Google Profile: Click here!
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